Apply these methods if you do not want to have health problems in this cold weather!

The wind fell colder temperatures begin to fall, meanwhile, risk of getting very high. Not only influenza but cold weather can also bring other problems, including:

# Seasonal allergies

Those who have a history of allergies certainly likely to be affected by the virus, because they have a weak immune system. Most people do not even know they have allergies, because it is not as hot sterile allergies. Mold and dust from the summer months will make you more likely to get sick due to allergies in the cold months.

# Bronchitis and pneumonia

They always believed that cold weather can cause high blood pressure at any time, but according to medical experts pointed out that the problems associated with respiratory blood pressure far. Failure to treat respiratory problems in time can cause serious illness, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

# flu

So you need to take care of health and to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you know that you influenza because it can cause serious illness.

# Other risk factors include

• Dry Skin

• Skin bekasrakea

• Fever

• dehydration (less tasty drink).

Meanwhile, each person must strive to implement many different other methods in order to best avoid the disease. However, most people who carry those habits can cause health problems. Therefore, track and stop following certain habits to protect yourself in such cold weather conditions:

1. Nose drops out before

Environmental cold nostrils Translator smaller. If you have nasal drops to help the cell membranes of the nose can protect microbes, which penetrate through the nose and prevent cold air you breathe. So you just breathed out through the nose (Hy nose clean) before going outside.

2. Breathing through the mouth

When you breathe through your mouth can make the cold air becomes hot, such as the nose. Moreover, it will cause a dry air into the body, thus causing anxiety problems chest most people. So should breathe using natural nose slowly and deeply.

3. Clothes and shoes too tight

Wearing tight clothing and wear shoes that are too tight to ensure that makes you cool than before. Therefore, you should choose clothes that are not too tight and not too loose to do well because the air between your skin and clothing will help keep your body warm.

4. Or drink hot tea before going out

Hot tea can help blood circulation and makes your immune process has improved, but it can also cause blood vessels become enlarged due to heat. This means that if you go out for a hot drink, your body will slow heat or cool down quickly. Therefore, you should drink room temperature or warm than hot drink.

5. These faint cold weather

To be able to produce heat in the body, you need enough energy otherwise you are sure to feel more cool and more efficient. So if you feel hungry, please find something to eat. At least we should have some snacks stomach cushioning to save energy.

6. Lotion or already out immediately

If you apply on the face and skin within the first 30 to 40 minutes it would be evaporation (penetrate the skin). Therefore, in cold weather conditions, it will make the skin more dry skin and cause damage. The best way is to go outside you should apply cream or powder for the first 30 minutes.

7. alcohol

You can feel the heat in approximately 30 to 40 minutes after drinking any alcohol. Later, the body will cool down quickly, and your brain will not be able to answer reactions include freezing in time. Therefore, when the cold weather should drink alcohol illicit home or wherever there is a warmth that's good.

# Another good method:

• Dress properly

• hat or wrap a towel as possible

• Wear clothing that allows ventilation

• drink enough

• Eat remarks

• Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine.
Apply these methods if you do not want to have health problems in this cold weather! Apply these methods if you do not want to have health problems in this cold weather! Reviewed by New Movie on 9:26 PM Rating: 5

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